To create season prices for a holiday home, go to the holiday home and select the menu item "Prices".
Navigate to the relevant year
By default, the current year will be displayed. Click on the arrows by the year to change to a different year.
If the holiday home already has prices, these will be displayed:
If no prices have been entered for the year, information about this will be displayed:

Import prices from Excel
a - If you want to load prices from an Excel sheet, click on Options -> "Import prices from Excel...".
See more about how to Import/Export season prices from/to Excel.
Enter prices manually
b - If you want to create the prices manually or copy from another season or another holiday home, click on "Create prices", which will take you to the editing screen:
Here you can enter/edit prices directly in the fields shown.
Copy prices
c - If prices are to be copied from another holiday home or another seasonal year, you must click on the button "Copy prices from property..." and select the year and the property you want to copy prices from.
By default, the system will suggest the previous year's prices for the current holiday home.
Click "Transfer prices".
Adjust prices
d - via the button "Adjust prices..." you can make calculations on the buy and sell prices:
Enter the various calculation numbers (e) - e.g. if you wish a general coverage rate of 38%, then type it in the top line.
It is also possible to adjust the individual seasons. Perhaps the cost price for season A needs to be changed (f) and/or the coverage ratio for season E (g). Enter the desired number in the line for the season. Click "Calculate".
The result is now shown as an example for the individual seasons (h).
In this example, the sales figures change so that the coverage rate can be 38% in most places, and a coverage rate of 40% for season E.
Click "Transfer Prices" to transfer the new calculated prices to the underlying input image.
You can then manually fine-tune the prices further in the editing screen.
When you are satisfied select "Save prices".
Lock sell prices to coverage
When editing prices, the sell prices can be locked to the coverage. This means that you can only edit the buy prices. The sell prices will adjust based on the fixed coverage.
By default, the locking will be set in accordance with the setting (Settings -> Overview-> Season Prices). However, the employees can turn the lock off manually, so that sell prices can be entered manually as before.
Rounding of sell prices will also be done in accordance with the Settings.
Rounding of sell prices is set to Nearest 1 for all currencies by default.
Validation of prices
If you have activated "Validation of prices", then you will be continuously warned against (in yellow text) or prevented from (red text) saving the prices if the degree of coverage is outside the specified limits.
"Validation of prices" is set under Settings -> Overview ->Season prices
Index numbers for price calculation
It is possible to create season prices using index numbers. Index figures relate to the buy prices of a holiday home and can be used as a guideline for the buy prices to follow a specific curve.
It is optional whether you want to use index numbers. If you want to use it, the season calendar must be created with index numbers before the prices of the holiday home are created/adjusted.
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