For each year you wish to open for rental of properties (whether it is for options or bookings), there must be a season calendar. This article shows how to create a season calendar for a new year.
Here you start:
Go to the menu Administration -> Seasons -> Overview. Click the “Create” button.
Create a name and a year for the calendar
When the “Create” button is clicked, these fields appear for filling.
- Give the season calendar a name (e.g. “2024 Friday”)
- Write the calendar year in which the season calendar must be valid.
- Click Save
Create season codes
Now the season codes must be linked to the new calendar. Click on the black arrow and select “View seasons”.
Next, click the “Create” button and these fields will appear for filling:
- Season calendar automatically displays the calendar that is clicked on
- Season code – here you can choose between all created season codes
- Season name – write a name for the season here
Choose a season code and give it a name. Create all the seasons you want to work with for this calendar.
When the seasons are created, a number is displayed in the Seasons column.
You can click on the number to get the overview of the seasons and edit them.
Create periods
Click on the black arrow to the right of the row for the calendar.
Click “Create” and these fields will appear:
Each period must contain a season code, from and to dates for the period, a change day and how many minimum nights must apply in that period.
- 1 – Season: Select the season code that must apply to the period
- 2 – Period: Define the period. Click on the date formats and a calendar will appear.
- Select the desired start date for the period
- Then find the end date of the period in the calendar and click on it
- 3 – Change day: Choose whether the period must have a fixed change day for arrival/departure (select a day of the week) or whether the change day must be optional (select free change day).
- 4 – Minimum days: If you e.g. choose to write “7”, then this means that you must book minimum 7 days for a stay as a standard. This can easily be regulated afterwards with price rules, so that you can allow shorter stays to be booked.
Now create all the periods you need for this year. The periods must cover the whole year.
Note when the last calendar year ended and make sure the date starts right after that is included in this new calendar.
Check the calendar
When all periods have been completed, check the result in the calendar. All dates must have a colour.
If there are white fields in the calendar, then a period needs to be created for these dates.
The whole year must be filled with colour to have seasons/periods for all days.
Click on the number of periods in the calendar overview if you want to correct the periods – either by creating a new period or editing an existing period.
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